One of the most successful movies of 2022, Kantara added another proud moment for India. The movie was recently screened at the United Nations and Rishab Shetty has shared the pictures from the screening as well. On March 16, Rishab submitted an oral statement at the UN as a representative of ECO FAWN, a conservation non-profit from India. According to a tweet by the Centre for Global Affairs and Public Policy (CGAPP). Rishab will also join the UN diplomats for a private dinner, reports state.
Sharing the photos on his Twitter handle, Rishab wrote, “Proud to represent ECO FAWN in submitting Oral Statement at UNHRC. The significance in the promotion of cultural rights of forest dwellers and protection of forests in Kantara is deciphered at the international forum.”
This comes just a few days after Kantara won four awards at the 4th Chandanavana Film Critics Academy Awards. While actor and director Rishab won the Best Actor award, his movie was also honoured with the Best Film by movie critics, Best Music award and Best Stunt/Action award. Meanwhile, fans are now also waiting eagerly for Kantara prequel which was announced in February this year by Shetty. Back then, he shared that what the audience was was actually part 2 and therefore what will be released next will be Kantara’s prequel.
About Kantara
Written and directed by Rishab, the period action thriller received an overwhelming response upon its release in theatres on September 30. Reportedly mounted on a meager budget of Rs 16 crore, the movie has earned over Rs 500 crore worldwide at the box office. The story of Kantara is set around a small community living in the woodlands of Kaadubettu in the southern coastal state of Karnataka. Weaving an interesting plot of human versus nature conflict, where death leads to war between villagers and evil forces and Shiva, a rebel defends his village and nature.
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