There is a breeze of happiness in the tinsel town as Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have finally welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on November 6, 2022. The couple who tied the knot on April 14 is embracing parenthood for the first time, and their hearts have been bursting with pride and happiness. On Sunday, Alia took to social media and shared the good news with fans and friends. Several celebrities and fans jammed the comment section, pouring love on the beautiful news.
The news has left fans thrilled and wondering, “Who does baby Kapoor look like?” Now, Neetu Kapoor finally addresses the big question, “who the new Kapoor member looks like”. The video is going viral on the internet.
Neetu Kapoor was spotted on Sunday as she reached home after visiting the hospital where Alia gave birth. The paparazzi congratulated her for becoming a ‘dadi’ and asked her how does she feels. Neetu replied that she feels really happy. They further asked her whether the baby resembled Ranbir or Alia. Then Neetu said that it is too early to say whether she would turn out to be like Alia or Ranbir. “She is too small right now, just born today. So, hard to say right now but she is very cute.” The reporters also asked about the new mom’s health, and Neetu confirmed that Alia is doing absolutely fine after the delivery.
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On Sunday morning, the new parents were spotted arriving at the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Girgaon, Mumbai, for their D-Day. Mothers-in-law Neetu Kapor and Soni Razdan were with Alia before she was wheeled into the labour room. The time of birth is 12:05. Alia is doing fine and she will be in the hospital for a couple of days.
Alia’s big announcement featured a photo of a lion family. Along with the picture, she wrote a heartfelt note as she begins a different chapter of life. The actress wrote, “And in the best news of our lives:- Our baby is here and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love. Blessed and obsessed PARENTS!! love love love, Alia and Ranbir.”
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