Ranbir Kapoor and Anil Kapoor’s look from their upcoming starrer Animal has leaked online. The actors, who never collaborated before, will mark their first on-screen collaboration in Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial. The duo is shooting at Sharmila Tagore-Saif Ali Khan’s family house, Pataudi Palace. In the leaked picture, Ranbir and Anil looked handsome in clean-shaven look, wearing black-on-black outfit. The Shamshera actor held a bowl in one hand and a snack in another. The photo of the cast of Animal was shared by a make-up artist Anam Khan, from the sets of the film.
While the senior actor was sported wearing a full sleeved black shirt paired with black trousers, Ranbir Kapoor was wearing a turtle-neck black full-sleeved t-shirt and black trousers. For the unversed, Pataudi Palace is located in the outskirts of New Delhi.
Billed as a crime drama, ‘Animal’ is directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who made his Hindi directorial debut with 2019 blockbuster ‘Kabir Singh’. The upcoming feature also stars Bobby Deol, and Rashmika Mandanna. Ranbir Kapoor is likely to play an intense and dark character in Animal. In the announcement video of the film, the actor talked about his character’s tough relationship with his father, which ended in gunshots. ALSO READ: Rashmika Mandana starrer ‘Pushpa’ got her ‘Animal’ role opposite Ranbir Kapoor? Actress reveals…
Talking about the film, producer Murad Khetani, known for backing films like ‘Mubarakan’, ‘Kabir Singh’ and ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’, said that Ranbir Kapoor-starrer is a larger-than-life visual spectacle, laced with heroism. “It is a challenging film. But we have a great team. Sandeep has written the story and he narrated it to Ranbir and Anil Kapoor, they liked it and agreed to came on board. It has action, emotion, heroism, larger-than-life visuals. We have our director and actor Rashmika from (south region) and we will release it there,” Khetani told PTI.
If reports are to be believed, actress Rashmika Mandana’s impressive performance as ‘Srivalli’ in ‘Pushpa-The Rise’ opposite Allu Arjun made her bag ‘Animal’. Talking about featuring in the film opposite Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika said, “The makers of ‘Animal’ approached me for the film after they saw my performance in ‘Pushpa’. I did not think twice before saying yes to the film because I was confident that the audience would get to enjoy a new side of me.” ALSO READ: Shamshera Box Office collection Day 4: Ranbir Kapoor-Sanjay Dutt fail to pull the audience to theater
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