Abishek tied the knot with model and entrepreneur Aviva Bidapa. The grand ceremony was attended by the who’s who of the film industry as well as several politicians. Actors Rajinikanth, Mohan Babu and Yash among others attended the wedding ceremony and blessed the couple. While the wedding itself was only for close friends of the family, Abishek will have a lavish reception on June 7. One film old Abishek, who is gearing up for the release of his next, Bad Manners, which will be in theatres on June 29, has been in love with Aviva for many years. The entrepreneur and fashionista is the daughter of fashion guru Prasad Bidapa and Judith. The duo got engaged in December last year.
In pictures and videos that have surfaced on social media, Rajinikanth can be seen blessing the young couple. Rajinikanth has acted with Abishek’s mother Sumalatha in a few films and they share a very good bond. Rajinikanth and Sumalatha worked together in three Tamil films which are Murattu Kaalai, Anbukku Naan Adimai and Kazhugu. KGF star Yash also attended the ceremony. In a video, he can be seen hugging Abishek.
Abishek made his big-screen debut in 2019 with Amar, which did not click with audiences. His next, Bad Manners, has been directed by Duniya Suri and is expected to be the actor’s relaunch venture. He has two other films lined up – one with director S Krishna and the other with Mahesh Kumar. Aviva, meanwhile, has multiple business interests, including a modelling agency and a swimwear collection. She was earlier married to businessman Vikram Mehta, whom she divorced in 2016.
The newlyweds even paid an emotional tribute to the groom’s father Ambareesh, on his 71st birth anniversary. The duo danced on some popular songs of the veteran actor and politician. Abhishek Ambareesh dropped a clip of the performance on his social media handles with the caption, “Our humble tribute to the Rebel Star Dr Ambareesh on his birth anniversary.” Abishek Abishek is the son of ‘Rebel star’ Ambareesh and Sumalatha.
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