Rahul Vaidya on Saturday gave fans yet another glimpse of his fairytale wedding. The singer posted a romantic video of his ‘first dance’ with wife Disha Parmar. In the video, shared by him on Instagram, the couple can be seen performing on ‘Dekha Hazaro Dafa’ and Bruno Mars’ ‘Uptown Funk’. The video of the duo, popularly known as ‘Dishul’ by fans, was seemingly from their Sangeet ceremony. For their special day, Disha wore a dazzling indo-western outfit and opted for a pair of comfortable sneakers to complete her look.
The actress wore a sequinned drape saree gown in lilac with a net embroidered sleeveless blouse and a detachable belt. Keeping it comfortable, she wore matching shoes and danced her heart out. Rahul, on the other hand, wore a smart tuxedo. Watch the video here:
Related | PICS: Disha Parmar sets wedding fashion goals by wearing sneakers with dazzling Sangeet outfit
Reversing tradition, Rahul and Disha’s Sangeet ceremony took place a day after the wedding. Speaking about the ceremony, their wedding choreographer, Sumit Khetan, who specialises in wedding choreography told IANS: “I am choreographing Rahul and Disha’s Sangeet and it’s a lot of fun. Rehearsals started a week before. I can obviously not reveal the songs but there are definitely exciting songs from Hindi films. As far as Rahul and Disha are concerned, they both are very bubbly in nature and it’s fun to teach them. Every evening, we have rehearsals.”
“The experience has been positive because both of them are full of life. Rahul is very expressive and Disha is an amazing dancer. I must say they are quick learners. They have been very accommodative and sweet. They don’t have any tantrums and try to understand the options we give them. They are happy to understand as to what we want to teach them and very comfortable and adjusting. They have really liked my choreography and said that it is catchy and cheerful, which is really encouraging,” Sumit adds.
Singer Rahul Vaidya and actress Disha Parmar got married earlier this month.
On the work front, Rahul Vaidya is currently as a contestant in Kahtron Ke Khiladi 11. The show hosted by filmmaker Rohit Shetty also has celebs like Sourabh Raj Jain, Sana Makbul, Vishal Aditya Singh, Anushka Sen, Aastha Gill, Arjun Bijlani, Divyanka Tripathi, Shweta Tiwari and Varun Sood competing for the trophy.
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