Rahul Vaidya took to Twitter to demand justice for Sonali Phogat. The BJP leader and TikTok star died under mysterious circumstances earlier this week in Goa. While the initial reports claimed that she suffered a heart attack, post-mortem reports suggested otherwise. A case of unnatural death has been registered and the police are investigating the matter. The actress, who passed away was created on Friday in the presence of family and friends.
Rahul Vaidya, who participated in Bigg Boss with Sonali shared photos from her funeral and demanded justice. He claimed that the actress-politician was drugged and murdered and the convicts must be punished. “Sonali ji was drugged & murdered. I hope the ones responsible are punished asap. Cos what has been done to her is INHUMAN !!! May Justice prevail soon! #SonaliPhogat,” he tweeted.
Earlier, the singer had condoled the sad demise and expressed shock over her death on Twitter. He wrote, “Sonali ji… galat baat! Itne jaldi kaun jaata hai … Abhi to maine Haryana aana tha aapke ghar … RIP shocked.”
Sonali had come to Goa on August 22 and was staying at a hotel in Anjuna. According to Goa police, Phogat felt uneasy on Monday night and was taken to a hospital the morning next (Tuesday) at around 8 a.m., where she was declared brought dead.
On Tuesday, the Police had written to the Department of Forensic Medicine at Goa Medical College for appointing a panel of doctors for conducting the post-mortem.
Police on Thursday informed that as per the postmortem report, Sonali Phogat’s body had ‘multiple blunt force injuries’, and a murder case has been registered.
The case has been registered on Thursday following a complaint by Rinku Dhaka — the brother of Sonali Phogat. The matter in under investigation.
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