Allu Arjun-Rashmika Mandanna’s ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ has completed two weeks in theatres and is still performing exceptionally well. The film hit the theatres on December 17 across the globe in all languages and has successfully lived up to its pan-Indian strategy. Also, the postponement of Shahid Kapoor starrer ‘Jersey’ left the field clear for Pushpa in theatres. According to the Box office, “It looks like Pushpa (Hindi) is going to reign supreme as collections go up on New Year’s Eve in the figures from the circuits coming through. Actually 83, Spiderman – No Way Home and Pushpa should have been flat or up as there was no new release and it was New Year’s Eve which gets a nice bump in collection but Pushpa (Hindi) looks the strongest film.”
“Spiderman – No Way Home and 83 seem to be down in the 10% range on the third and second Friday respectively while Pushpa (Hindi) is likely to see an upturn,” the report added.
Meanwhile, Pushpa deals with the red sanders smuggling in Seshachalam Forests of the Chittoor region of Andhra Pradesh. Helmed by Sukumar, Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music for ‘Pushpa: The Rise’. Rashmika Mandanna plays the female lead, while Ajay Gosh, Sunil Varma, Anasuya Bharadwaj appear in important roles. Malayalam star Fahad Fassil appears as one of the baddies in the movie.
After the success of Pushpa: the Rise, the makers have announced to start shooting for the sequel titled ‘Pushpa: The Rule’ in February. Talking to IANS, Sukumar disclosed, “I have shot some portions for ‘Pushpa: The Rule’ but then, these will have to be reshot. I will have to shoot the entire film and we intend to start shooting in February next year. We intend to release the film on December 16 next year, just like how we released ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ on December 17 this year.”
Watch Pushpa’s trailer:
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