Priyanka Chopra Jonas has been sharing glimpses and anecdotes about her daughter Malti Marie and fans have been lapping it up. Recently, the Citadel actress opened up about parenting and revealed that she would give up her career for her daughter if she had to.
In an interview with Femina, Priyanka Chopra opened up about her parents making sacrifices for her. She shared that her parents moved from Bareilly to Mumbai for her. This was after they had set up a hospital. Priyanka said, “I took it all completely for granted. I was like, of course, it’s your parents’ job to do that. My career matters. And I didn’t even think about it until I was writing my book. And then it dawned on me like now I’m in my 40s. And that, if I were asked to give up my career and just move countries, I would do it without question for my daughter.”
Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas welcomed their first child Malti Marie Chopra Jonas via surrogacy in 2022.
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra was recently seen in Citadel, a spy thriller series that also features Richard Madden. The actress is also starring in Love Again with Sam Heughan. She is also attached to star in Jee Le Zaraa with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
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