Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged on May 13 in New Delhi. Amid their wedding preparations, the couple recently sought blessings at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. The actor and the AAP MLA were first spotted together at Amritsar airport on Friday.
Now, a video of the couple is doing rounds on the internet wherein they can be seen doing dishes at the Golden Temple as they performed seva. While Parineeti wore a white kurta set, Raghav sported a kurta-pajama with a Nehru coat.
Watch the viral video here:
On Saturday, Parineeti Chopra shared a heartwarming picture with her fiance Raghav Chadha and also penned a note. She wrote, “My visit this time was even more special; with him by my side.”
Take a look:
Parineeti Chopra was spotted with the AAP MLA in April while exiting a restaurant in Mumbai. They remained tight-lipped about their relationship until May 13 when they officially got engaged. The actor also wrote a heartwarming caption for her better half on Instagram. Sharing a series of pictures from her engagement ceremony, Parineeti wrote, “When you know, you know. One breakfast together and I knew – I had met the one. The most wonderful man whose quiet strength would be calming, peaceful, and inspiring. His support, humour, wit, and friendship are pure joy. He is my home. Our engagement party was like living a dream – a dream unfurling beautifully amidst love, laughter, emotion, and loads of dancing! As we hugged those we loved dearest and celebrated with them, emotions overflowed. As a little girl in awe of princess stories, I had imagined how my fairytale would begin. Now that it has, it is even better than I had imagined. “
Take a look:
Also Read: Parineeti Chopra, Raghav Chadha spotted at Amritsar airport; photos viral
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