Neha Dhupia celebrated as she completed 20 years of winning the Miss India crown. The actress and TV host made an appearance on stage at the finale of Femina Miss India 2022 over the weekend and wore the crown once again.
Neha Dhupia attended the event with her husband Angad Bedi and kids Mehr and Guriq. After the event, she took to Instagram to share a series of photos as she reflected on the momentous night.
Neha wore a stunning shimmery gown with a cape for the event. She also brought her kids on stage.
Check it out here:
She captioned the post, “20 years that went by in a flash … but if I shut my eyes and think, all I have is gratitude in my heart. I didn’t think that it would be possible to wear this crown on stage again and relive one of the most precious moments of my life with my most precious people.”
She further added, “20 years later I stood taller, stronger, more experienced and a few dress sizes bigger.”
To note, Neha Dhupia was crowned Femina Miss India in July 2002. After winning the crown she went on to work in the film industry and made her Bollywood debut. She has also hosted popular TV shows. Her last film was A Thursday which was released on streaming.
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