NCP leader Nawab Malik on Saturday alleged that the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) had initially detained 11 persons from a Goa-bound cruise ship off the Mumbai coast last week, but let off three of them, including the brother-in-law of BJP leader Mohit Bharatiya. The agency released Mohit a couple of hours later after the interrogation. The three individuals, as named by Nawab Malik are Rishabh Sachdeva, Pratik Gaba and Amir Furniturewala.
Who are Pratik Gaba, Rishabh Sachdeva, Pratik Gaba, Amir Furniturewala?
Nawab Malik claimed that Rishabh Sachdeva is the brother-in-law of Mohit Kamboj, who is the BJP leader. He added that Rishabh was allowed to go after his father and uncle reached the NCB office. While Aryan Khan in his statement to the court mentioned Pratik Gaba. The star kid said he was invited to the party by Pratik who is a friend.
Nawab Malik also said ‘Pratik Gaba and Amir Furniturewala invited Aryan Khan for the cruise party.’ The NCP leader further added that a man named (KP) ‘Gosavi’, who is seen escorting Aryan Khan in one of the videos, was not an NCB official, and his social media profile states that he is a private detective based in Kuala Lumpur.
Without confirming anything, NCB Deputy Director General Gyaneshwar Singh said a total of nine independent witnesses were involved in the whole operation (cruise ship raid) and Manish Bhanushali and K P Gosavi were among them. “None of the Independent witnesses, including the two (Bhanushhali and Gosavi) were known to the NCB before October 2,” he said.
Later in a statement, Singh said a total of 14 persons were brought to the NCB zonal office (in Mumbai) for examination. “All of them were served notice under section 67, examined thoroughly and their statements were recorded,” Singh said. Drugs case: NCB says it doesn’t see political affiliation or religion, dismisses ‘motivated’ allegations
“Eight persons were arrested and the remaining six persons were let off since no incriminating evidence was found against them, he stated and added that the other six “can be associated if the need arises in the investigation as per law,” Singh added.
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