Mom-to-be Alia Bhatt is undoubtedly nailing her maternity fashion. She recently made a striking appearance with husband-actor Ranbir Kapoor at an event held in Hyderabad. Alia won everyone’s hearts with her pink suit which had a special message printed on its back. The diva stole the show in the vibrant ensemble, customised by celebrated designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla. The pink sharara dress with heavy gota work also had the word ‘love’ embellished in gold. She completed her ethnic look with statement earrings.
The back of her kurti had “Baby on board” written in gold. For the glam, the ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ star kept her make-up minimal and chose to give a wavy touch to her hair. On the other hand, Ranbir was spotted wearing an all-black outfit. Soon, pictures of Alia in her customised outfit started doing the rounds on the internet. The actress, who is expecting her first child with Ranbir, looked like a breath of fresh air in the pictures. Reacting to her desi look, a social media user commented, “Such a sweet gesture.” “She is literally glowing. Love that special message,” another one wrote.
For the unversed, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor tied the knot in April this year in an intimate wedding ceremony at their home Vastu in Mumbai and in June 2022, the couple announced the news of their pregnancy. ALSO READ: Ranbir Kapoor apologises for commenting on Alia Bhatt’s pregnancy weight gain: ‘Sense of humour…
Alia had announced that she is expecting her first child with Ranbir through a cute post. “Our baby ….. coming soon,” Alia wrote on Instagram, adding a picture from her ultrasound appointment. She also posted a picture that features two lions and a lion cub.
Ranbir apologises for commenting on Alia’s pregnancy
Recently Ranbir was criticised for fat-shaming Alia Bhatt by commenting on her pregnancy weight gain. In his recent Instagram Live session with Bhatt, the actor had said “phailoed” (spread) in reference to his wife’s weight. The actor later apologised to those offended and said it was a joke that “didn’t turn out to be funny”. ALSO READ: Jr NTR heaps praise on Amitabh Bachchan, says ‘big fan of his intensity’
He reacted to the online furore by saying his intent was not to hurt anybody and that he has a bad sense of humour, “Firstly, let me start with, I love my wife with everything that I have in my life. And what happened on that, I think it’s a joke that didn’t turn out to be funny. I really want to apologise if I have triggered anyone. It was not my intention. I want to say sorry to people who got offended or triggered,” Ranbir said.
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