Tom Cruise-starrer film and the seventh installment in the Mission Impossible franchise is churning out good numbers at the Indian box office. The Dead Reckoning Part One, which was released in India on Wednesday, July 12 minted Rs 16 on Saturday, which is the highest in the first four days. The total collection of the action thriller flick now stands at Rs 46.20 crore, as per report. On Wednesday, the film opened to Rs 12.3 crore, which are good numbers for a Hollywood film releasing on a working day. The next two days however managed lower numbers at the box office but were still acceptable. On Thursday, it made Rs 8.75 crore and collected Rs 9.15 crore on Friday. If this pace continues on Sunday as well, the film will easily cross Rs 60 crore.
Talking about its worldwide collection, the film has collected $82.1 million in nearly 70 markets. Japan, which is considered a huge market for the film, will begin screening next week after Hayao Miyazaki’s next.
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One is the most expensive movie in the franchise so far. It is made with an estimated budget of $300 million.
About Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One
Tom Cruise plays the epic Ethan Hunt’s role again. Apart from him, the film also stars Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Hayley Atwell, Ving Rhames, and Vanessa Kirby in significant roles. With Dead Reckoning Part One, the film also marks Christopher Mcquarrie’s third film as the director in the franchise. He will also be directing the next installment, which will release in cinemas on June 28 next year. However, the filming of Dead Reckoning Part Two has been suspended indefinitely due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike.
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