Manish Malhotra will be directing Meena Kumari’s biography, the celebrity fashion designer has finally confirmed. For the first time, he will assume the role of director. Manish also disclosed that the scripting phase of the movie is underway. Manish spoke candidly about helming the biography of Meena Kumari in an interview. The film, he added, is based on her works. He said:”I don’t know how it got out but it is happening. We are still working on the script. The script is key, always. I have been reading her books. The film is based on her books. I have always been fascinated by Meena Kumari.”
Manish also discussed how Rekha motivated him to choose Meena Kumari for his project. He stated: “Rekha told me once that you know when you turn 40, you will understand the genius of Meena Kumari. And that is true. But I was young and I was busy working but when I turned 40 I not only understood the genius of Meena Kumari but even Nargis ji and Dilip Kumar and Guru Dutt.” He continued by saying that in order to better grasp it, he started viewing films from her era. Manish admired her facial expressions and commented on how skillfully she used her eyes.
Reports of the celebrity designer directing the movie were already doing the rounds before he officially confirmed it. Tajdar Amrohi, the son of Meena Kumari and the filmmaker Kamal Amrohi, also spoke out about the issue and vowed to sue Kriti and Manish if the movie ever began production.
For those who are unaware, there are rumours that Kriti Sanon would portray the legendary actress.As per a report in a leading daily, Tajdar also said, “She (Meena Kumari) was my mom and Kamal Amrohi was my dad. Please ask those people to make a movie on their own parents and I’m sure they will not do so, for they were nobody. Anyway, what they will make would be based on all lies.”
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