Priyanka Chopra Jonas is currently busy with the promotions of her upcoming action series Citadel in India. The actress landed in Mumbai on Friday with her husband Nick Jonas and her adorable baby Malti Marie, who came for her first India trip. Now, Priyanka Chopra’s mother Dr Madhu Chopra shared an adorable picture with her cutest granddaughter on social media.
Taking to her Instagram Stories, Madhu Chopra shared the picture with Malti where she is seen holding her in her arms as they are both smiling while looking at each other. In the picture, Malti is looking the cutest in a white frock, a hairband with a big bow and cute little studs.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Priyanka Chopra will be seen in the action thriller series Citadel as an elite spy agent Nadia Singh alongside Richard Madden. The show is all set to be released on OTT on April 28.
She will also be seen in the Hollywood romantic comedy Love Again with Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. She also has Farhan Akhtar’s directorial film Jee Le Zaraa alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.
See Also: Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie get clicked at the airport
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