Some very good news could be coming to Android fans on Tuesday with Qualcomm holding its Snapdragon Summit on the island of Maui in Hawaii. This yearly event is when the US technology firm unleashes its upgraded smartphone chips and it looks almost certain that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 will be given its grand unveiling.
Details about this new processor remain scarce but, if history repeats itself, we can expect all the usual bumps in performance with more power and improved AI coming to the future phones that feature it.
Along with faster speeds, Qualcomm always brings better features to camera technology as part of its Snapdragon upgrades and it’s almost certain that the Gen 2 will be more efficient which should help prolong the battery life of devices.
Gaming could also get a boost with smoother animations and lower latency plus we might see quicker 5G download speeds making things better when away from fixed-line broadband.
We will find out full details late on Tuesday evening, November 15, but there is one thing that seems pretty definite.
It appears that this new Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 will be the chosen processor for the new Galaxy S23 from Samsung.
Not only that, but it seems the Korean technology giant will use the Gen 2 across the world rather than previous S devices that were split between Qualcomm and its own Exynos chip.
Although Samsung is yet to officially confirm this news Qualcomm has made some huge hints about the year ahead.
Speaking during a recent investors call, Qualcomm boss Christiano Amon said: “I think we’re going to announce our next-generation Snapdragon at our Tech Summit in a couple of weeks. I think what we see right now is, structurally, we’re very well positioned.
“In handsets, we entered into a new multiyear agreement with Samsung, expanding the use of Snapdragon platforms for future premium Samsung Galaxy products globally.
“We expect in the March quarter also to see the benefit of our increased share of Samsung.”
Those comments were backed up by Qualcomm’s Chief Financial Officer, Akash Palkhiwala, who added that the firm’s share of chips from Samsung’s Galaxy S22 will rise from 75 percent to 100 percent with the launch of the S23. has asked Qualcomm for a statement on the upcoming Samsung Galaxy launch but the US company said it’s not making any official comment at this time.
Some manufacturers usually confirm that their phones are getting the new chip during the Summit so hopefully Samsung will make some official announcements later this week.
Want to know more about the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor? will be bringing you all the news live from the Snapdragon summit so watch this space.
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