Bigg Boss OTT 2 created a hullabaloo on social media after veteran actor Pooja Bhatt entered the show as a contestant. For those unversed, Pooja was seated among the panelist on the grand premiere night hosted by Salman Khan. The actress’s father, Mahesh Bhatt, has now reacted to her participation in the controversial reality show.
In an interview with ETimes, Mahesh Bhatt said he admires her audacity to become a part of such a reality show. “Life’s greatest adventures begin when we step into the realm of the unknown with courage and curiosity. She has done just that. I admire her audacity,” the filmmaker said.
Pooja Bhatt became the talk of town after she opened up about her alcohol addiction in a recent episode. During a conversation with co-contestant Cyrus Broacha, she opened up about her journey of addiction and recovery at the age of 44. She decided to openly share her addiction and decision to quit after she recognised that she had a drinking problem.
The actress further said addiction and recovery are considered a man’s territory in Indian society. “Women are discouraged from openly drinking and therefore, their recovery remains hidden. I used to drink openly, so when I decided to recover from alcoholism, I realised that I shouldn’t do it secretly,” Pooja Bhatt said.
“Society gives a license to men and thus they can openly speak about being addicted and recovering from alcoholism. However, women don’t openly drink and so they don’t openly recover. I used to drink openly so when I thought of recovering from alcoholism I realised that why should I recover in the closet? People used to call me an alcoholic but then I said I’m a recovering alcoholic,” she continued.
On the work front, Pooja Bhatt was one of the most popular actresses of the 90s. Born to Mahesh Bhatt and Kiran Bhatt, she started her acting career at the age of 17 with Daddy. She played a teenage girl in a complicated relationship with her alcoholic father.
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