When my period was late and my boobs were sore just two months after having my first baby, I was initially confused.
My husband Paul and I had only slept together once since Daisy was born, just to try it again after welcoming our little one. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it, as we were being careful.
But I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering. To put a stop to it so I was able to fully concentrate on my newborn, I bought a pregnancy test. Safe to say, I wasn’t expecting the result.
Having two children in quick succession is something being discussed a lot in parenting circles at the minute following the news that Lauren Goodger is expecting again shortly after the birth of her daughter.
I’ve found that a lot of people want to know how it can happen. In the years since Daisy and Ruby were born I’ve heard rude comments from strangers like, ‘Was your second planned?’, ‘Haven’t you got a TV in your house?’, or ‘Oh, you’ve got your hands full’.
At first, I found it intrusive and upsetting but soon I laughed them off. I imagine Lauren will too.
For myself and Paul, having two daughters so close together in age may not be what we planned but we wouldn’t change a thing.
It was 2014 when we decided to start trying for a baby and after about six months, we were both delighted to find out I was expecting.
My pregnancy with Daisy was fairly straightforward; nothing really to complain about apart from the usual aches and pains and missing the stuff you are advised against during pregnancy, like soft cheese and red wine.
She was born four weeks early after a two-day labour (which I had initially dismissed as bad wind). Daisy was perfect, and Paul and I fell in love with her immediately.
She wasn’t the easiest baby as she suffered from colic. But, as I only had one child, and was on maternity leave, this wasn’t too much of an issue. Paul and I quickly got into the swing of things and loved being parents.
Taking that second pregnancy test two months later brought a mix of emotions.
I went into the toilets of a local café, holding Daisy on the changing table with one hand and peeing on the stick with the other.
I then had to change Daisy as she’d just done a soul-destroying poo-nami and for a brief moment I totally forgot I was doing a pregnancy test.
After I’d re-dressed Daisy, I glanced back at the fateful pink and white piece of plastic, and in that moment our lives changed forever. I felt sick, dizzy and lightheaded.
As I dialled Paul’s number, my hands were shaking and Daisy was crying for her bottle.
For five minutes, I sat on the bathroom floor and wept in unison with my 12-week-old baby.
That night Paul and I had our first and only conversation about our options, and knew afterwards that we’d be having a second baby and soon we’d have two under the age of one.
It took me a long time to get my head around the fact I was pregnant again, I don’t think I was unhappy, just a little in denial, but Daisy ensured I was always distracted.
I did feel guilty though, and wondered how this would affect my firstborn. I worried I was being selfish for having another child so soon.
The hardest thing about being pregnant the second time was how much attention Daisy needed; she would only sleep if rocked, and needed constant carrying as opposed to the buggy or carrier.
Ruby was born just after Daisy’s first birthday and the hardest 18 months of my life began.
The news of Lauren Goodger’s pregnancy this week took me right back to that bathroom floor, those tears and the two lines signalling another baby on the way.
I laughed out loud and then smiled, because although it was the hardest period of my life, right now, life is great and having the two girls close together is brilliant and actually makes life easier.
There are so many benefits, and my daughters are now best of friends. They share a room, toys, interests, and they will forever have a playmate.
But it did make me think about the journey ahead for Lauren, as for me, it certainly wasn’t smooth sailing.
I didn’t have a straightforward birth with Ruby; it was quick, and I tore badly, and it was also the first time Paul and I had left Daisy.
The madness began almost immediately. Ruby didn’t sleep, and I mean she really didn’t sleep.
The maximum amount of time she went down for in the first six months of her life was an hour as she suffered with silent reflux.
Life just became so monotonous; feed, change, sleep, repeat. But with both babies on different routines, I never had any time to myself.
I felt like I was in prison, rocking both babies to sleep as the only way to get them down.
Days blurred into nights and for the next eight months I barely slept or left the house. It felt like the longest year of my life and I couldn’t see an end in sight.
Having two children under two is hard, really hard. I felt guilty a lot of the time. Was I neglecting Daisy to look after her younger sister?
We’re told to cherish the early years with our babies, but I wasn’t cherishing it, I was exhausted and really struggling.
About eight months after I had Ruby, I hit rock bottom. The severe sleep deprivation and worrying about Ruby’s own sleeping problems got too much for me and I became a depressed, angry mess.
I even started hurting myself. This is when Paul, my brilliant husband, intervened and took me to the doctor.
When she diagnosed me with postnatal depression brought on by exhaustion, my life changed again. I realised I was ill, and that I could get better.
So, I sought help, started getting better and started realising my two daughters were a huge blessing and that the closeness in age would become a huge asset in the future.
Pandas Foundation helped me massively through my PND and I actually now work for them as Communications and Development manager, so I can help parents who have struggled like me.
If I could offer advice to Lauren or other mothers in similar situations, it would be to prepare your support network now, as you will need it.
It will be invaluable for nine month’s time.
But try not to worry too much about what will happen, enjoy it, but above all, ask for help, because you will need it, and it is always OK to ask for support.
The first year will be hard and about survival, but then you will reap the benefits of having two children close together and learn to absolutely adore it.
As told to Lauren Libin.
The PANDAS Foundation is a charity offering hope, support and empathy for parents and carers suffering with their mental health via many support services. It has just launched a new, free 24/7 free text support service.
Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing jess.austin@metro.co.uk.
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MORE : Lauren Goodger speaks out on co-parenting with ex Charles Drury amid pregnancy: ‘Respect me and my babies’
MORE : Lauren Goodger pregnant with second child weeks after giving birth as ex Charles Drury admits to sleeping with another woman
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