Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara’s pan-India film Atlee is one of the most-awaited projects of 2023. After the huge box office success of Pathaan, all eyes will be on the mega-scale action film Jawan. A look of Shah Rukh from Jawan, featuring the actor with a heavily bandaged face, has been doing the rounds on social media. Fans have been sharing this still, reportedly from the sets of Jawan in Mumbai, on social media and heaping praise on Atlee for presenting SRK in a totally different light.
SRK’s Jawan look leaked
In the teaser of Jawan, SRK was featured with a heavily bandaged face. In the promotional posters for the film, the same look was kept. Now, a new working still from the upcoming movie has been leaked on social media. It showed SRK sporting long locks. The mystery look with bandages on the face has been retained. This has raised anticipation for the film even further. Fans are loving this new look of SRK and hoping for the film’s teaser to release sooner than later. It is expected that the leaked still is from the Mumbai schedule of Jawan.
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About Jawan movie
Apart from SRK, Jawan also stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. Thalapathy Vijay is also said to have a cameo role in the film, but the same has not been confirmed by the makers yet. A pan-India release, Jawan is touted to be a spectacular event film with high-octane action sequences and talent assembled from across Indian cinema. The film will be released across five languages — Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada in theatres across the globe on June 2, 2023. Anirudh Ravichander has composed the music for Jawan.
Read: Pathaan Box Office Day 7: SRK-Deepika starrer breaks all records in first week in India & overseas
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