L353 first look out: Mohanlal on Saturday announced that he would be playing the lead in the first film that his friend Shibu Baby John’s new production house John & Mary Creative would be producing. The film will be helmed by Vivek Thomas who is best known for the film Athiran.Taking to social media to make the announcement. Sharing a picture with the team, the Malayalam superstar penned a note that read, “I am delighted to inform you that my 35-year-long friendship and goodwill with Mr. Shibu Baby John is moving into a joint venture to bring you more entertainment. I shall play the lead role in the movie produced by his brand-new film production company, John & Mary Creative.#L353.”
The actor also promised to keep his fans and the public posted about the developments of the movie, which is tentatively being referred to as ‘#L353’. He also shared a first-look poster of the film.
In another tweet, the actor mentioned, “Century Films of Mr. Century Kochumon and Max Lab partnered by Mr. K. C. Babu will be associating with the project. I will be joining the project soon after the making of “Ram” by Jeethu Joseph. Mr. Vivek will be the film’s youthful director.”
Earlier, Mohanlal unveiled the logo of Shibu Baby John’s production company. Sharing the picture with Mohanlal Shibu wrote, “Today is the start of an exciting new journey. We are proud to announce the launch of our company with which we hope to make an imprint on the movie production and entertainment landscape. Thank you, Mohanlal, for your support and friendship over the decades and for being a part of this new journey.”
Mohanlal’s upcoming projects
Mohanlal has an impressive lineup of films. From his most ambitious Lucifer sequel L2: Empuraan to Monster, Ram and Barroz: Guardian of D’Gama’s Treasure, the actor is all set to woo his fans with some amazing movies.
-With IANS inputs
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