Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon surprised fans when she arrived on an Indigo flight. The actress ditched the luxury of first-class in the airplane and channeled her inner ‘aam aadmi’ as she took a budgeted flight and flew economy class to Indore. Kriti was spotted at the airport in a white ruffle-layered dress with a pink shawl. While fans were delighted to see her at the airport, the other passengers on the flight were even more thrilled.
A video of Kriti Sanon is going viral on the internet in which she can be seen flying economy class and playing with a cute little kid while onboard. The toddler and Kriti can be seen holding hands and playing as the actress blew kisses to the kid.
Check out the viral video here-
Earlier, talking about her trip to Indore for an event, Kriti Sanon had expressed her excitement to relish Indori delicacies. Kriti said: “I’ve been to Indore to promote my films but this time I am especially going there to meet my Indori fans and interact with them over a fun session. I remember being amazed and impressed with how clean and beautiful the city is. Indore has set a prime example for other cities to follow when it comes to waste management and cleanliness.”
“I also love the energy and the food of the city. Even though I’ll be there for a few hours only I’ll sneak in some time to have the famous Poha, Ratlami Sev, and Jalebis.”
On the work front, Kriti will be seen next with Shahid Kapoor in an untitled romantic movie. She also has ‘Adipurush’ with Prabhas. She also has ‘Ganapath’ with her ‘Heropanti’ co-star Tiger Shroff. The film is slated for release this year.
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