Veteran actor Kirron Kher celebrated her 70th birthday with her son Sikander Kher as they stepped out for a birthday lunch. She shared a glimpse of her birthday celebrations and thanked her friends and fans for their wishes on social media. The 70-year-old actor took to her Instagram handle on Tuesday and posted adorable selfies with Sikander. In the pictures, the mother-son can be seen having a good time with each other. For the special day, Kirron opted a printed white outfit and paired them with sunglasses while Sikander wore a green shirt. Sharing the photos, she wrote, “Out for lunch with my son @sikandarkher on my birthday. Thank you so much for all your good wishes and blessings. Love and warmth.”
Take a look:
Fans reactions
As soon as she shared the post, celebrities and fans extended heartfelt birthday greetings to her. A fan wrote, “Happy birthday beautiful lady and outstanding actor.” Another fan commented, “Happy birthday to you, wonderful soul. Stay healthy and blessed.” Gul Panag wrote, “Happy Birthday.” A user also said, “Happy Birthday Mam. Wish you have a good health & great days ahead.”
Earlier, Sikander took to his Instagram and shared a cute picture where Kirron sat on his lap. He captioned the post, “Happy birthday Maa.”
Also read: On Kirron Kher’s birthday, sweet wishes pour in from Anupam Kher, son Sikandar, Mahima Chaudhry & other celebs
Kirron’s husband and actor Anupam Kher also shared a series of pictures with his wife and penned a heartfelt note. “Happy Birthday dearest #Kirron! May God give you all the happiness in the world. May you have a long, healthy & peaceful life!! May your life be full of laughter. You are God’s special person! May you continue to serve the people of #Chandigarh for many years. May @sikandarkher get married soon.. Love & prayers always! @kirronkhermp #HappyBirthday #Laughter,” he wrote with the post.
For the unversed, Kirron was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer in 2021. She recovered and was one of the judges on the reality show, ‘India’s Got Talent.’
Also read: Bollywood actresses diagnosed with cancer: Mahima Chaudhry, Kirron Kher, Sonali Bendre & more
-with ANI inputs
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