Kiara Advani has been channeling her inner diva, and delivering some great looks this week. The actress was clicked at the airport today in a blue ensemble and she looked pretty as ever. The outfit which was a blue denim co-ord set had hints of green and white which added an extra edge. She also tied the entire outfit together with a designer saddle bag that made a statement. Her makeup was minimal and she kept her hair parted and slicked back. Her gold and white chunky sneakers are also a trend to look out for. This perfect combination of chic and casual is something we’re all striving for this summer, and Kiara carried it out effortlessly.
On the work front, Kiara Advani will be seen next in Govinda Naam Mera with Vicky Kaushal and Bhumi Pednekar. After Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, she will once again appear on screen alongside Kartik Aaryan in Sameer Vidwans’ romance drama SatyaPrem Ki Katha.
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