‘Mahanati’ actress Keerthy Suresh, who is currently busy shooting for her upcoming projects, recorded a special video for her friend, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu. In the video posted by Keerthy, she is seen having a short conversation with a little girl, who aspires to become ‘Samantha’ one day. As Keerthy shoots the little girl on the sets of her upcoming movie, she is seen asking her: “So, tell me, what do you want to become, once you grow up?” The cute little girl promptly answers: “I want to become Chamantha (Samantha).”
Keerthy, sharing this video on Instagram, tagged Samantha, and wrote: “Your die hard fan, Chamantha, You have to meet her once Sam!!! #onsetfun”. Replying to the same, Samantha wrote “Who this cutie”, as she shared the same story on her Instagram profile.
On the professional front, Keerthy Suresh was last seen in Good Luck Sakhi. Billed to be a woman-oriented script, the film release on January 28. Nagesh Kukunoo directorial has Keerthy Suresh playing a sharpshooter. The film boasts proudly of a female-dominated crew led by co-producer Shravya Varma. As she takes the lead role portraying a village girl, Adi Pinishetty, Jagapathi Babu, and others in important roles in ‘Good Luck Sakhi’.
It is a multi-lingual film made simultaneously in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam languages. Popular producer Dil Raju is presenting the film while Sudheer Chandra Padiri is producing it on the Worth A Shot Motion Arts banner. Devi Sri Prasad has scored music while Chirantan Das has cranked the camera.
(With IANS Inputs)
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