Acclaimed actors Pankaj Tripathi and Pratik Gandhi will be seen as the special guests in the upcoming episodes of ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 13’s’ ‘Shaandaar Shukravaar’. The channel shared a couple of promos of the much-awaited episode in which host Amitabh Bachchan can be seen interacting with the star duo. The video shows Big B asking the two superstars to deliver one of his iconic dialogues in their native language- Bihari and Gujrati.
In the video, Amitabh Bachchan says, “Aisa karte hai bhaisaab, hum apne ek film ka dialogue bolte hai, aur hum chahte hai wo dialogue jo hai aap (Pankaj) Bihari mein bole aur aap (Pratik) Gujarati mein bole.” (Let’s do something, I will tell a dialogue of my film and you say it in Bihari and Gujrati)” Big B recites, “Aaj khush to bahut hoge tum. Dekho. Jo aaj tak tumhari mandir ki seedhiya nahi chadha”
As soon as Pankaj Tripathi and Pratik Gandhi deliver the dialogues in their language, Big B stops them and asks them to let him complete. This makes them laugh. Watch the video-
On the other hand, Amitabh Bachchan also talks about the time when he saw people locking their eyes at him at a petrol pump while interacting with Pankaj Tripathi and Pratik Gandhi. He shared his experience when he first witnessed people gawking at him in awe because of his performance in films.
He said, “I had finished working on the film ‘Anand’ and it had been released. The day it was to be released, I’d taken my friends’ car because I didn’t have one and neither had the money to fill the petrol. I had to borrow 5 to 10 rupees from someone and went to the nearby petrol station, filled the car tank and paid him the money.”
“In the morning, I was on my way to shoot for another film and the car ran out of petrol. Again, I went to the same petrol station to refuel. Sir (referring to Pankaj Tripathi and Pratik Gandhi), when I came to refuel, there were 4 to 5 people standing and watching. Because the film, ‘Anand’ was released. That’s when I realised that people have started recognising me and that I’ve done something right,” Big B added.
‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 13’s ‘Shaandaar Shukravaar’ will air on Friday on Sony Entertainment Television.
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