Kanika Mann, who rose to prominence with Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega, is one of the most followed Television celebs. The actress has carved a place for herself with her candid nature. Kanika amasses a massive fan following on social media. She recently appeared on the stunt-based reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi 12, and made it to the semi-finals. She garnered a lot of love for her daring side on the show. The Roohaniyat actress turns a year older today as she celebrates her 28th birthday. On the occasion, several celebs have taken to their social media to wish the actress.
On Friday, Kanika took to her Instagram account and shared a video of cake-cutting as she celebrated her birthday with a few kids. In the video, kids can be seen singing a birthday song for the actress as she cuts cake.
Arjun Bijlani
Arjun Bijlani and Kanika share a very close bond. The two play the lead actors in Roohaniyat. Arjun shared a video with Kanika and wrote, “Happy happy birthday dear @officialkanikamann .. wishing you lots and lots of love and #roohaniyat in your life .. stay as mad as you are and have a blast . Sorry can’t make it for your bash but will see you soon ..”
Mohit Malik
Mohit Malik and Kanika Mann share a genuine connection. The friends always stood by each other in Khatron Ke Khiladi 12. Mohit shared a picture with her and wrote, “Happy Birthday Maan Saab. Have a great one. Will miss the party tonight but will make it up for sure.”
Rajiv Adatia
Rajiv Adatia took to his social media and shared a cute boomerang with the actress. He wrote, “Happy Happy birthday Kanika! Have an awesome one!! Lots of love and best wishes! Keep smiling, keep shining, always love ya.”
Pratik Sehajpal
Bigg Boss 15 fame, Pratik Sehajpal, also took to social media to wish Kanika. He shared a fun video from their shoot of Khatron Ke Khiladi 12. Sharing the video, Pratik wrote, “Happy birthday @officialkanikamann.”
Chetna Pande
Chetna Pande shared a video of Kanika in which she can be seen sleeping. Sharing this video, she wrote, “Happy birthday cute si ladki @offcialkanikamann Nap queen.”
Apart from these, several other celebs also took to social media to wish the actress.
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