After staying away from the silver screen for four years, Shah Rukh Khan is all set to enthrall the audience with Jawan. He and Nayanthara are coming together for Atlee directorial. Jawan promises to be a spectacular event film with high-octane action sequences and talent assembled from across Indian cinema. SRK starrer set to be released in cinema halls on June 2 and the superstar will be seen in a never-seen-before avatar. The ‘explosive entertainer’ has found a worthy adversary as South superstar Vijay Sethupathi has been roped in to play a villain.
Reportedly, the actor will battle it out against Shah Rukh Khan and is set to start filming in Mumbai, soon. However, the makers are yet to announce an official confirmation about the same.
Ever since SRK joined hands with South filmmaker Atlee for his upcoming project, fans have been demanding updates about the development of the project. Recently, it was reported that Jawan has acquired its OTT rights. As per a Bollywood Life report, Netflix has acquired the post-theatrical release streaming rights of the movie for Rs 120 crore. ALSO READ: Jawan POSTER: Shah Rukh Khan is ‘good to go’ in Atlee’s actioner; says ‘inevitable issues’ led to its delay
Shah Rukh Khan on Atlee and Jawan
‘Jawan’ is scheduled to hit the screens in June, 2023 and will be released in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. The film is a universal story that goes beyond languages and geographies, Shah Rukh Khan said in a statement at the time of the movie announcement. “Credit goes to Atlee for creating this unique film, which has also been a fantastic experience for me as I love action films. The teaser is the just tip of the iceberg and gives a glimpse into what’s to come,” SRK added. Atlee further said with the film he wants to give viewers an exceptional experience. ALSO READ: Pathaan, Dunki and now Jawan: Shah Rukh Khan to take over 2023 like a KING
‘Jawan’ is SRK’s third movie to be announced in 2022. Taking to his Instagram, the actor had earlier shared the teaser of the movie and wrote “An action-packed 2023!!- Bringing #Jawan to you, an explosive entertainer in cinemas 2nd June 2023. In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.”
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