Jabra has launched new Evolve2 75 headphones in India. While the price in India hasn’t been revealed yet, the Jabra Evolve2 75 costs $349 in the US. The headphones are claimed to be “ideal” for working professionals. According to the company, the headphones come with new features for maximising flexibility and at $349increasing concentration. They come with a dual cushion design to improve ventilation and reduce ear pressure. In turn, this is said to optimise the curvature and padding of the headband to ensure this gadget doesn’t slip.
The Evolve2 75 is the first of Jabra’s Evolve headsets to include fully adjustable Jabra’s own active noise cancellation feature that allows you to pick and choose how much of your surroundings you want to hear. A ‘HearThrough’ button allows for turning back into the sounds around you when you need to, without even having to take your headset off. The hearing experience from the headsets can be customised further by using a dedicated app for mobile and PCs.
The mute and auto answer-enabled microphone boom arm on this new headset is said to be 33% shorter than its predecessor, giving users even greater flexibility. The arm is also intended to meet Microsoft’s stringent Open Office requirements, when the boom arm is flipped down in Performance mode. It is claimed to cut out ambient sound in open-plan offices and loud, busy indoor areas. The headset has a discreet mode feature that allows you to fold away the boom arm. The headset’s 8-microphone technology with Jabra’s triple chipset-powered algorithm is claimed to be able to distinguish between your voice and the noise around you precisely.
The headsets also offer data capturing capabilities so IT Departments can make more informed decisions and troubleshoot any issues before they become a problem. You can update firmware and manage settings remotely through Jabra Xpress software. It is also said to have 30 metre wireless range and dual connectivity to computers and mobile devices.
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