Renowned singer Kavita Krishnamurthy, who has given a plethora of chartbuster tracks over the years, was the chief guest in the ‘Dosti Special with Kumar Sanu and Kavita Krishnamurthy’ episode of ‘Indian Idol 12’ on Sony Entertainment Television. A special surprise was kept in place for the singer by veteran actress Hema Malini. Since it was Friendship Day, Kavita received a sweet surprise from dream girl, Hema Malini. They are childhood friends.
The special message by Hema was played for Kavita on the show. Hema went down memory lane and reminisced about Kavita and her childhood days in Delhi. The senior actress also applauded her growth in the music field. “I am happy to be on Indian Idol again. I am happy to talk to all of you and that too, I will be talking about Kavita Krishnamurthy. I only know her as ‘Paapa’ – I know her from the time she was only a one or two-year-old child in Delhi,” Hema said.
She recalled how their mothers wanted their daughters to do something extraordinary in the field of arts and cinema. “So my mother began dance lessons for me. I entered the Hindi film world. I became a heroine too.” The actress also revealed that while she went on to become a heroine in the Hindi film industry, she always checked upon what Kavita was doing, and was proud to see that she has become a world-renowned singer, adding that the song recorded by Kavita was so beautiful that they used her rendition in the film.
Meanwhile, this season of television’s most popular singing reality shows Indian Idol has been creating a lot of buzz. Makers are leaving no stone unturned to make the show a huge success.
Also Read: Indian Idol 12: Neha Kakkar will not be a part of finale
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