Hrithik Roshan and his ex-wife and interior designer Sussanne Khan celebrated their younger son Hridaan’s 14th birthday on Sunday (May 01). The family reunited for special lunch at a restaurant in Mumbai. The actor and Sussanne Khan were spotted in the city with their sons Hridaan and Hrehaan. For the occasion, Hrithik wore a black T-shirt paired with blue jeans and a blue shirt. He completed his look with a blue cap and black sunglasses. While Sussanne opted for a white and black top and a pair of blue jeans.
Sussanne Khan’s Instagram Post
Sussanne shared the family picture from their outing on Instagram. She wrote, “To our Sky full of Ridz… with a heart like yours and a soul so strong yet immensely gentle, we are lucky to celebrate you every day..happy 14 th birthday beautiful boy..We love you the mostttt.”
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Sussanne’s wish for Hridaan
Earlier, Sussanne Khan penned a heartfelt note for his son Hridaan. Taking to her Instagram handle, Sussanne shared a cute video where they can be seen enjoying each other’s company. Addressing her son as an ‘amazing birthday boy’, she wrote, “Happy happy joy joy to my amazing birthday boy.. My Sky full of Ridz.. onwards and upwards to the best years of your life.. I am so lucky you chose me to be your mama. #hridaan #14thbirthday #mySkyfullofRidz.” Her boyfriend Arslan Goni also shared a birthday wish for Hridaan. “Happy happy birthday to ridzu,” he wrote.
Hridaan’s grandma Zarine Khan wrote, “God bless our Ridz n keep him safe always. Nani Zarine.”On the other hand, Hrithik’s father and filmmaker Rakesh Roshan also extended his birthday greetings to his grandchild by sharing a smiling picture. Along with an adorable snap, he wrote, “Birthday greetings to my dear Ridz happiness blessings & love always.” Hrithik Roshan holidays with sons Hridaan and Hrehaan in LA | PHOTO
For the unversed, Hrithik and Sussanne got married in 2000. They announced their separation in 2013 and got divorced a year later. They continue to co-parent sons Hrehaan and Hridaan. They decided to part ways in 2014. Now, While Sussanne is dating Arslan, Hrithik is dating actress and singer Saba Azad.
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