PlayStation 5 was launched globally in November last year and in India in February this year. The console comes with a single DualSense controller (in the box) that is a major upgrade from the previous-generation DualShock controller. The DualSense controller brings new features like adaptive triggers that allow players to feel the tension and feedback of weapons in games. The DualSense controller also has Bluetooth functionality that allows it to be connected to different devices, though you may not be able to use all the features of the controller.
The DualSense controller that comes with the PS5 and can also be purchased separately has the typical PlayStation layout of buttons and analogue sticks. It retains the touchpad from the DualShock controller and inbuilt Bluetooth support that allows it to be used with other devices. There is a USB Type-C port on the controller for easy wired connections. Here’s how you can connect your DualSense controller to different devices.
How to connect PS5 controller with Windows PC
If you want to connect via Bluetooth, press and hold the PS button and Create button on your DualSense controller till the light around the trackpad starts flashing blue. This indicates your controller is in pairing mode.
Head to Settings by clicking on the Windows logo on the taskbar or pressing the Windows key on your keyboard.
Once in the Bluetooth & other devices section, click on Add Bluetooth or other device.
Click on Bluetooth and your computer will start searching for available devices.
When your PS5 controller shows up here, click on it to start the pairing process.
Once the process completes, your DualSense controller should be paired and connected to your Windows computer.
How to connect PS5 controller with macOS PC
- For connecting your PS5 controller with macOS, head over to System Preferences.
- Click on Bluetooth.
- If Bluetooth is off, turn it on.
- Press and hold the PS button and Create button on your DualSense controller till the light around the trackpad starts flashing blue.
- Your controller should now show up on macOS in the list of available Bluetooth devices.
- Click on the Connect button next to the name of the controller.
- Your DualSense controller should now be paired and connected with macOS.
How to connect PS5 controller with Android, iOS devices
- Press and hold the PS button and Create button on your DualSense controller till the light around the trackpad starts flashing blue.
- On Android or iOS, head to Settings.
- Tap on Bluetooth.
- On Android, tap on Pair new device. iOS users should see the controller at the bottom of the list in Other devices section.
- Tap on the controller and you should be paired.
How to connect PS5 controller with Apple TV
- Enter the Settings menu.
- Select Remotes and Devices.
- Select Bluetooth under Other devices.
- Press and hold the PS button and Create button on your DualSense controller till the light around the trackpad starts flashing blue.
- You should see the DualSense controller in the list under Other devices. Select it.
- You should get a ‘Controller connected’ notification at the top right.
How to connect PS5 controller with Fire TV
- Navigate to Settings.
- Select Remotes & Bluetooth Devices.
- Select Game Controllers.
- Select Add New Game Controller.
- Press and hold the PS button and Create button on your DualSense controller till the light around the trackpad starts flashing blue.This indicates your controller is in pairing mode.
- You Fire TV device should show Wireless Controller. Select it.
- You should see a ‘Device Connected’ notification on your Fire TV and the flashing lights on the controller should become stable.
- DualSense controller is now paired and connected with Fire TV.
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