Actress-turned-politician Hema Malini has found herself at the receiving end of social media trolls with her latest tweet on the ‘Bihu’ festival. Bihu is an important festival celebrated in Assam, and Rongali Bihu marks the beginning of the Assamese New Year and harvest period. However, Hema Malini mistakenly called it the festival of Bihar in her latest tweet. This drew criticism and trolling from netizens. Following this, the actress apologised for her mistake.
Hema Malini wished everyone a happy harvest period. However, she made a huge faux pas by calling ‘Bihu’ the New Year for Bihar. “It is the Harvest season now. Tamizh Puthandu (New year), Baisakhi (Punjab), Bihu (Bihar) and Pohela Baisakh or Naba Barsha (Bengal) are some of the festivals celebrated. Wish you all a wonderful festival month,” Hema Malini tweeted.
Eagle-eyed netizens pointed out the mistake and trolled the veteran actress. “Bihu is from Assam not Bihar,” a social media user tweeted.
“Ma’am Bihu belongs to Assam. Kindly Correct your tweet,” another one wrote. “You are absolutely wrong madam, Bihu belongs to Assam only, we just achieved Guinness world record today as maximum number of group dance performers in a single venue,” a netizen tweeted.
After facing backlash, Hema Malini issued an apology. “By mistake I have put Bihu is a festival celebrated in Bihar. I am sorry! That should read Bihu, festival of Assam,” she wrote on Friday.
Bohag Bihu marks the start of the harvest season and it’s the time of seeding. It is also celebrated as Assamese New Year. The different days of Rongali Bihu are dedicated to cattle, household deities, handlooms, farming equipment, among others. Dancing to the tunes of folk songs known as Bihu Geet, feasting and exchanging gifts form other traditions of the festival.
On the work front, Hema Malini is best known for working in films like Sholay, Seeta Aur Geeta, Dilagi, Raja Jaani, Do Dishayen, The Burning Train, Jugnu, Dil Kaa Heera and Dream Girl. She was last seen in the 2020 film, Shimla Mirch.
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