Alia Bhatt in a role. The actress is busy attending events back-to-back and now she is all set to make her much-awaited Hollywood debut with Heart of Stone. Ahead of the film’s release, she recently attended the trailer launch event in Brazil. Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to share a glimpse of her visit and along with the post she wrote in the caption, “A recap of my #Tudum moments #HeartOfStone @netflix.”
The video opens with Alia getting ready, where she says, “I am feeling like I am on a cloud”. She then shares a bundle of all the press days and fan meets with her Heart of Stone co-stars Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan.
Speaking of Alia Bhatt’s Heart of Stone trailer, we see Gal Gadot as Rachel Stone and her fervent allegiance towards a furtive peacekeeping force caked the Charter. The trailer deftly captures some high-octane action sequences involving flying jets and glider suits. One of the major highlights of the clip is Alia Bhatt essaying a tech-savvy hacker Keya Dhawan responsible for stealing Charter’s most potent weapon. An exchange between Gal Gadot and Alia Bhatt is bound to charge up when Rachel yells over the phone, “Heart or no heart, I am coming for you”. Heart of Stone is all set to release in theatres on August 11.
For the unversed, Alia Bhatt shot for the film during her pregnancy. In an interview with Variety, she revealed ‘It was my first Hollywood big English Picture experience and I had quite a task at hand because I was shooting for the
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt’s next romantic family drama Rocky aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani teaser was recently released. Karan Johar is back as director chair after 7 years and the teaser is pure joy for Dharma Production movie fans. She also Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zara which also stars Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif in the lead roles. The filming of the movie will begin soon.
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