HBSE 2024 exams: Application deadline for Class 10, 12 exams extended, check direct link here – Times of India
The dates for submitting applications with late fees have also been pushed further.Applicants can now apply with a late fee of Rs. 300 until November 28, 2023. Additionally, the deadline for submitting applications with a late fee of Rs. 1000 has been extended to December 5, 2023. School authorities can read the official notification here.
The direct link for HBSE exam 2024 application can be found on the official website – bseh.org.in. Schools can also click on the direct link here to complete the application process.
Revised Schedule
Here is the schedule of the extended deadlines at a glance.
Registration without late fee: 24th October to 21st November
Extended registration with late fees of Rs. 300: 22nd to 28th November
Extended registration with late fees of Rs. 1000: 29th November to 5th December
Registering for HBSE Exam 2024: Step-by-step guide
Schools that have not yet submitted the applications for the class 10 and 12 students can visit the official website of the board at bseh.org.in and submit the applications. Follow the steps shared below to complete the online application.
Step 1: Visit the official website of HBSE
Step 2: Locate the class 10 and 12 application link on the home page and click on them
Step 3: Login using the username and password
Step 4: Enter the details necessary for the application
Step 5: Submit the application fee and click on the final submission link
Helpline numbers have also been provided to help students and schools if they face any technical glitch. The board can be reached out at 01664-254300 and 254309.
HBSE 2024: Class 10 and 12 Exam Date Sheet
The HBSE Board exam date sheets for Classes 10 and 12 are yet to be out. However, they are expected to be out by January 2024. The exams are likely to run through February and March 2024.
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