Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic tied the knot in 2020 in a hush hush wedding ceremony. Soon after that, they welcomed their first child, a baby boy named Agastya. After three years, on February 14th, the lovebirds renewed their vows and got married again in a lavish ceremony at a posh hotel in Udaipur. Hardik and Natasa exchanged wedding vows in accordance with both Christian and Hindu wedding traditions. After celebrating their union with their close friends and family members, the duo shared pictures from their D-day on their social media accounts. The pictures broke the Internet.
On Friday, cricketer Krunal Pandya took to his Instagram handle and shared some unseen pictures from their grand wedding and the pictures look breathtaking. In the pictures, the bride and groom are seen donning their traditional outfits. Natasa looked absolutely stunning in a red saree and a finely adorned blouse, while Hardik wore an off-white sherwani. One picture shows Krunal and his wife, Pankhuri, happily posing with the pair. In another image, Hardik and Natasa are seen taking their pheras while their munchkin Agastya joyously showers them with rose petals. Sharing the pictures, he simply wrote, “Pyaar.”
Earlier, Hardik Pandya took to his Instagram handle to share the dreamy photos from the Christian wedding. For the ceremony, Hardik looked charming in a black suit. On the other hand, Natasa donned a beautiful white gown that featured a 15-feet long veil. He captioned the post, “We celebrated Valentine’s Day on this island of love by renewing the vows we took three years ago. We are truly blessed to have our family and friends with us to celebrate our love”. Let’s have a look at the mesmerising photos of the two.
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