Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Raha, on November 6. The Kapoor-Bhatt clan has been on cloud nine ever since the new addition to their family. On Thursday, the couple made headlines after they shared the first glimpse of her daughter and revealed her name. Ranbir Kapoor’ fans would be aware that he is a great Barcelona supporter, having often expressed his appreciation and support for the Spanish giants. Now, Spanish football club FC Barcelona has congratulated the duo on the birth of their daughter.
On Friday, FC Barcelona took to their Twitter handle and shared a heartfelt post for the new parents. The tweet read, “Congratulations, @aliaa08 & Ranbir Kapoor!! A new Barca fan is born. We can’t wait to meet you all in Barcelona.” Along with the tweet, they shared a picture that was posted on Alia Bhatt’s Instagram account, which showed the pair in the foreground holding the baby, with a picture of a miniature jersey and shorts, in the infamous Barcelona’s official maroon and blue colours, gracing the wall.
On Thursday, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor introduced Raha to the world. They shared an adorable picture along with a heartfelt note. The caption read, ” The name Raha (chosen by her wise and wonderful Dadi) has so many beautiful meanings… Raha, in its purest form means divine path. In Swahili she is Joy, In Sanskrit, Raha is a clan, In Bangla – rest, comfort, relief, in Arabic peace, it also means happiness, freedom & bliss. And true to her name, from the first moment we held her – we felt it ALL! Thank you Raha, for bringing our family to life, it feels as though our lives have only just begun.”
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The post stirred up the internet and received love from all over the nation. Several Bollywood celebrities also showered love on the post.
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