Actor Dulquer Salmaan’s latest release Kurup has entered ₹50 crore club in just four days since its release in cinemas. Buoyed by the response the film received at the box office, Dulquer, who plays one of India’s most wanted fugitives in the movie, took to his Instagram and expressed gratitude over the same. He wrote, “Wow!! This is huge !!! I cannot even fathom it. The sleepless nights, the countless moments of uncertainty and self-doubt, the sheer amount of stress and pressure over going through uncharted territories has all paid off. When we set out we just wanted to give the film our best and pray you all love it. I have no idea how to put in words the gratitude I have for all of you.”
“Thank you for accepting us with open arms. Thank you for coming back to the theaters. Thank you for giving us so much love. This is not just mine or my te am’s win. This is a win for everyone. Let’s bring back more movies into theaters. Let’s get back to normal. Sending you all lots of love and gratitude to each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart,” he added.
Directed by Srinath Rajendran, Kurup is the story of Kerala’s most wanted criminal Sukumara Kurup who is absconding after murdering a film representative Chacko to embezzle the insurance money by scripting his own death. It is the first major Malayalam movie to release in Kerala after theatres were allowed to re-open in the aftermath of the second wave of Covid19. Dulquer Salmaan shares video as Burj Khalifa lights up with ‘Kurup’ Trailer: Historic moment
Kurup, according to police was influenced by a German crime novel and tried to script his own death to get the insurance claim. The claim was for Rs 8,00,000 and Kurup killed Chacko, a film representative after giving him a lift in his car while Chacko was waiting for a bus late at night. Sukumara Kurup has reportedly fled abroad while his two associates – driver Ponnappan and brother-in-law Bhaskara Pillai were sentenced to life imprisonment.
Sukumara Kurup is still on the list of absconding since January 1984 and the Chacko murder case is one of the longest-running cases in the judicial history of the state.
The film is jointly produced by Wayfarer Films of Dulquer Salman along with M-Star Entertainments. Apart from Dulquer Salman, the cast includes Indrajit Sukumaran, Sunny Wayne, Shine Tom Chacko, Shobhita Dhulipala, and Bharath Srinivasan in key roles.
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