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Cover Story: Aditya Roy Kapur on the success of The Night Manager & pushing himself with every role

If you knew Aditya Roy Kapur, you’d know that he’s a happy-go-lucky person, easy going and cordial, with no hang-ups one would normally associate with a star. And that feels like fresh summer showers every time you meet him. At the photoshoot we’re doing at a studio in the ‘burbs, our glasses are fogging up, the mercury is rising. Clearly, he’s the ultimate drool dude. If the reaction of the girls at the shoot is anything to go by. They are slack-jawed, weak-kneed and behave themselves only because they have to contend with their seniors. He however, is oblivious of the effect he’s having on them. The photoshoot is a breeze. He’s open to suggestions and has ideas of his own. He’s a sex symbol who is unaware of the fact and, what’s more, doesn’t care about it even. While he understands that a star has to look good, like all the time, even while rushing to catch a plane, he candidly admits that all this padding doesn’t matter, if you aren’t able to perform in front of the camera.

That he has oodles of talent is beyond doubt now. He showcased no performance anxiety whatsoever shooting with the stalwart Anil Kapoor in the recent OTT series, The Night Manager. He’s been earning plaudits for his bravura act of an undercover agent trying to usurp the empire of an arms dealer. He’s stashed away the opportunity of working with the evergreen actor as a huge learning experience, saying he’s been bowled over by the senior’s professionalism as well as his commitment to fitness. The Night Manager has cemented his position on the OTT terra firma. Success however hasn’t come easy to Aditya, despite his brother, Siddharth Roy Kapur, being one of the biggest producers around. He believes everyone has a separate journey and he has reached an interesting juncture in his career. Excerpts from a freewheeling interview.

So, what’s your state of mind right now?

It’s a great feeling when something you’ve put out is resonating with people. I’m feeling happy that the second part seems to have been received as well, if not better than the first. It was quite a thing with the whole split happening between the episodes. That’s the only gaalis I’ve been getting in the last three months; why have you split it? Basically, we wanted to wait and see whether the audience stuck around to watch it. Going by whatever I’m hearing, it seems like they did, and that feels good. So I’m just feeling happy and in a good space.

Was there a kind of pressure for the second season because season one had done so well?

Luckily, we shot the whole thing at once. So if we were shooting it after the first season, there might have been pressure but that wasn’t the case. The pressure came from the fact that we had set the bar at a certain level. The worst thing would be if people felt like, the first four episodes were nice, but it didn’t appeal after that.You don’t want that to happen. And so there was a certain amount of pressure. But I guess after having seen the three episodes, I was feeling fairly optimistic about it. It felt like we had managed to hold the fort.

Is there a sense of achievement now after the second part?

Yeah, I think it’ll sink in slowly. These things take a little bit more time to sink in. We’re definitely feeling good about it.

Did you expect the kind of response you’ve got for The Night Manager?

When I first heard about the script and how it was going to be shot, it felt like this had the potential to cut across and connect with people, if we did our jobs right. I can’t say that I was expecting it to do what it’s doing. One doesn’t try to think too far ahead in this business. I would think that in this case, it couldn’t have gone any better.

It’s a remake of a popular British show. Was there any kind of pressure because of that when you were making it?

Yeah, that did add a certain amount of pressure because it’s something that has been loved so much, and the people that have watched it love it a lot. It’s a satisfying feeling to have people, who are big fans of the original, tell you that they have enjoyed this as much as the original and sometimes even more. That is the real vindication. That feels good. Whenever we do remakes, I just feel like we do a shoddy job, so that apprehension was also there. But when I sat down to see it, I was like, “Oh my God, they have done such a good job.”

What made you say yes to it in the first place?

I had not actually seen the original. When they first pitched it to me, I said, “Okay, let me watch it now because I need to think about this.” So when I did watch it, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was curious to see how they were going to adapt it. Once I read the script, I felt like director Sandeep Modi and all the writers had really adapted it in a way that felt organic and right for the Indian subcontinent. The only thought maybe for me was that it was new territory to get into as it was a series; that was something new for me. I felt excited about the kind of team that Sandeep got together and the work they had done on this script.

How was it working in the OTT space? What was your takeaway from it?

Honestly, acting doesn’t change. You’re still on the set, collaborating with people, acting and playing a character. Nothing really changes. I guess the only thing is that in shows, you end up doing a lot more work. You’re shooting three films worth of footage, so in some ways, you get to spend more time playing that character, which can also be satisfying. Also, it can be little taxing. So it’s more of a Test match, a game to keep your concentration for longer shoot schedules, and you’re moving at a slightly faster pace than you move in films. In films, you maybe have a little more time to kind of indulge, but in series you have to keep it moving because the quantity of work is a lot more. But apart from that, it’s just the same. You see the differences in different aspects, like, for example, once it’s released, people watch it at their own convenience. It’s not like in the theatre when your film is out and then you have two, three, hours to watch it. In this case, people are consuming it over a longer period of time.

If given a choice between series and movies, what would you choose?

Growing up, films were the first thing about which I really felt a sense of awe. As a child, you felt you were transported to another world. Obviously, we grew up watching television, so television also has a big part to play and I loved it. But as a viewer, I would say films. But why choose? Why does one have to choose? We are spoilt for choices. We have such amazing stuff to choose from. When you’re watching a series, it’s like a time commitment. I have a bit of that commitment phobia because I know my next three days are going to go down the drain. I’ll definitely be doing nothing else but watching that show.

Do you see a future for OTT now that you have tasted blood?

Yeah, 100 percent. I’d love to do more. Tasted blood is a good way to put it across.

You worked with Anil Kapoor after Malang. What was your takeaway about working with him the second time around.We heard that you were not allowed to meet each other before the shoot. Is that true?

Yeah, we didn’t meet. I think Sandeep kept us apart until the day we had to shoot because, I guess, that’s the way the show is. The characters are supposed to meet for the first time spontaneously, so he didn’t want us to feel too well acquainted. The takeaway from Anil Kapoor? I guess you’ve heard it all before. I don’t think there’s anything that hasn’t been said about him or what a positive influence he is on a film set. People ask him how he stays so young.  I think it’s because of his passion and zest for life and just for doing things well, enjoying his work and looking forward to it. That will keep you young. You just see how he approaches every role by getting into the details, spending time, working on everything, and coming so prepared. You come away inspired by his work ethic, which is something that you really want to learn.

You have become the internet’s heartthrob; does that influence the way you pick your roles?

I don’t know if I need to pick roles accordingly. I guess if that is a byproduct, then let it be.

How do you feel about girls falling all over you?

(Laughs) I am flattered; what to say? People ask, “Are you happy?” I say, Of course, why would anyone not like it? It’s a good thing, isn’t it?

Have you in general and after The Night Manager in particular, become conscious of how you want to position yourself as an actor?

I don’t give a lot of thought to my positioning or my PR either. Whatever it is, it’s just the way things are happening organically. I am not hatching any great PR plans for myself.

But don’t you think you should?

It is good to be proactive. I have gotten slightly better with time. I think I used to be even more laidback.I am definitely better today than I was way back then.

Have people started taking you seriously as an actor now?

Honestly, that’s what a lot of people have been saying to me. “Are people reacting to you differently? Are people talking to you differently?” I haven’t noticed anything. But if everyone is asking me this question, maybe that is the case.

When you are so good-looking, do people tend to not take you seriously as an actor?

It is not something I can let affect me too much because there’s no use getting cynical about it. Even if it has happened, my thinking has always been that eventually water finds its own level. It has taken a certain role for people to kind of acknowledge it. I haven’t allowed myself to sit and marinate in that thought too much or feel like a victim. Things happen in their own time.

Do you choose the roles, keeping your looks in mind?

Every time you are on screen, you want to look good. Whatever role you’re playing, I guess for most roles the requirement is to look good. I’m just picking stuff that excites me as an actor. I don’t want to do roles where I’m supposed to look a certain way. I want to do roles where I have to be a certain way, be different and push myself. So no, I don’t want to choose the same kind of stuff.

Is there a character that you have played that remains with you?

I think at some level, certain ones do remain more than others. Back in the day, the Aashiqui character was one that took a little time to leave me because it was really intense and I was much younger. You play all these characters, and at some level, they are always there. Every work experience as an actor changes you; you experience more and broaden your horizons and your abilities with every role.

Which are the movies that have influenced your craft?

Growing up, I used to watch action movies. So I grew up watching Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who influenced me a lot. Then, I’ve also watched these young De Niro, Pacino, Daniel Day Lewis, and Brando movies. I feel like every actor will have a similar list. You watch these greats and try to imbibe as much as you can from them. I recently went on a whole spree of watching Dilip Kumar movies. What a great actor he was.

What are the factors that influence you when you choose a film?

I think about the story and the director. The role has to be something exciting and interesting. But I guess with time you realise that what people want to watch is a great movie. It’s not about just a great performance or a great role. It can be a great role, but if the film and the story don’t work, it doesn’t really matter. It boils down to what the story is and how the director is looking at it. It is the director’s medium; he’s going to make it the way he sees it.

Has it ever happened that you have said no to a movie and it has gone on to do well at the box office?

Yes, that has been the case. I can’t tell which movies because that would not be nice. I guess everything has a reason. Sometimes a movie can be right, but maybe that role is not right for you; maybe someone else doing it is a better thing. It is not always that you kick yourself.

Did you refuse the villain’s role in Jawan?

Not to my knowledge, not that I know.

Tell us about your auditioning experience; has there been anything crazy?

If you want to be an actor, I think rejection is part of the process. You better get used to it. The early days of auditioning were pretty much basically a lot of no. I used to audition for a lot of stuff but it’s not like I knew for sure that I wanted to be an actor. I was an RJ and I was happy.  I was never really into films. For me, it happened by chance. I used to go to certain auditions because people used to call me now and then. And I would audition because you never know what opportunities would come. But I don’t think those early years scarred me a lot.

Being Siddharth Roy Kapur’s brother, do you understand the business better?

I think having both my elder brothers in the same business has given me a better perspective because we look at the industry from different angles. They have their own point of view. I have always spoken to them about things I’m doing and about decisions I’m making. It’s obviously helpful to have them to understand things better and try to learn from their perspective.

Are they protective of you?

I guess so; they don’t show it very much. But in their own subtle way, they are protective. By now, age is not much of a thing; I’m well into my 30s, so even though I’m the younger brother, I’m also protective of them.

Have you faced the question of nepotism?

I think people know that I have kind of made my own way into the industry. I started with supporting roles in films my brothers weren’t involved with. My journey has been a public one. People saw my career develop slowly. By the time I did my first leading role, I had already done three supporting parts. So I think that journey is clear for people to see.

What would you say is your USP as an actor?

I think that’s for others to say what my USP is. If I start saying it myself, then I’ll keep repeating myself. I don’t think that is a good route to go down because then I’ll only become a parody of myself.

Are you always Aditya Roy Kapur in your head, or are there times when you think of yourself as having a life beyond showbiz?

I am always Aditya Roy Kapur in my head. But I think what you’re saying is, am I able to disconnect from the public persona? Yes, I am.  That is important for me. I am not able to be in the spotlight or the limelight all the time. I need to get away to live a normal life, or I feel like living a life that is disconnected. I can’t always be out there. I need time to myself and feel like I’m living a normal life, too. You need to go and recharge your batteries; you need to go somewhere away and take some time to disengage.

What is a normal day like  in your life when the cameras are off?

It really depends; something or other is always there; you might have a meeting or some other kind of work. But some days I just chill. For me, doing nothing is also something I like where there’s no agenda or plans; I enjoy those days as well. I play sports, some football; I’ll meet my friends; I’ll play the guitar. I try to get out as much as I can in Mumbai. It doesn’t always happen. Still, I try to get out whenever I can.

Two things you like about acting and two things you hate

The thing I like is that it is always new. You start from scratch, and it is always a new challenge. I guess another thing is the feeling of being transported into another world when you have a 15-20-day schedule. I like that feeling of having another life. You get lost sometimes in that world. If you are shooting from nine in the morning by the time you come out of the sets in the night, you don’t realise the whole day has gone by. It’s dark outside, but you are in some other imaginary world. I love that feeling of getting lost in time. I love that feeling of getting a little bit swept away into another world. It is not mundane everyday life; I like that escape. Hate is a strong word, honestly, if I have to think about it. I guess waking up at five in the morning. I’m not a big fan of early mornings. The early morning shifts are definitely something I could do without. Maybe always having to stay in shape. I’m always kind of watching what I eat, which is good, I guess. I am living a healthy life, but still…

What advice would an 18-year-old Aditya give to his older self?

Don’t take anything too seriously. I guess when you are 18, you are so free and light and you look at things. As you get older, you get more responsibilities and you get more serious about things. But it’s nice to keep that perspective and that lightness of an 18-year-old, even though you are behaving like an adult. It’s all good. It’s not life or death; you just don’t have to take it all seriously.

We want to ask you about the rumours connecting you to Ananya Panday, are they true?

There are rumours or what? Where? I’m so disconnected I don’t know anything. If there are rumours, let them remain rumours.

We know more about your life than you do…(Laughs loudly). “Oh Adi, I know you’re disconnected but not that much yaar.” I’ll just say let the rumours stay rumours.

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