Telugu megastar father-son duo Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan recently hosted a grand felicitation event at their residence to honour Badminton player PV Sindhu for her Olympic bronze medal win. Sindhu, who bagged the second medal at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, has become the first Indian woman to win two individual Olympic medals in a row. Many celebrities including Rana Daggubati, Nagarjuna, Akhil Akkineni, and the who’s who of the Tollywood industry were in attendance to celebrate Sindhu and her achievements.
Ram Charan took to his Instagram handle on Sunday and shared a video of the event. In the video, Sindhu looked gorgeous in a purple jumpsuit as she was showered with appreciation by the guests.
Take a look:
Many celebrities attended the event. Along with the video, the ‘RRR’ star penned a congratulatory message for Sindhu. “Dearest @pvsindhu1 Sindhu, congratulations once again. We are all extremely proud of you. Lots of love & regards to your family. Hope you continue making India proud,” he wrote.
At the event, Chiranjeevi felicitated her with a red shawl, flowers and put the medal back on her neck. He spoke about how Sindhu’s winnings were no mean feat and appreciated her for the same. Sindhu too delivered a speech of thanks for all the love, wishes and support.
Earlier, PM Narendra Modi hosted the Tokyo Olympics badminton Bronze medallist PV Sindhu and the entire Indian Olympic contingent over breakfast in New Delhi. PM Modi kept his promise of eating ice cream with PV Sindhu.
-with ANI inputs
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