A BTS video has gone viral on the internet in which Deepika Padukone can be seen pleasantly surprised by her husband Ranveer Singh’s unexpected visit during work. The actress recently featured on the cover of TIME Magazine and left a jaw-dropping impression on everyone who saw the photos. Channeling her inner boss lady, Deepika looked heavenly in a beige power suit and flaunted her mesmerizing smile. However, what intrigued the fans most is her video with Ranveer Singh who dropped by to say ‘Hi’ during her photoshoot.
Deepika Padukone can be seen giggling and sharing kisses with Ranveer Singh as he comes to visit her at the interview location. About the visit, the article said, “She [Deepika Padukone] poses effortlessly in front of the camera while her personally curated playlist blasts in the background, before her husband—the larger-than-life Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh—stops by the studio to surprise her. He’s interrupting her while she’s at work, but she giggles as the two hold hands for a brief moment.”
As the duo came together, they talked about their marriage and Deepika said that she married her best friend and she loves spending time with her husband. She also revealed that they did not plan to meet at the interview location and ‘it was truly cosmic’.
Watch Deepika Padukone’s reaction here-
Moreover, Deepika Padukone in the TIME interview said that couples today should learn from the old generations when speaking about marriage. She said, “I think we all grow up being influenced by movies, or we grow up being influenced by relationships and the marriages around us. But I think, the sooner you accept that the journey that we are on or that the two people are on is going to be very different from someone else’s journey, the better it is.”
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra, Aishwarya Rai to Deepika Padukone: Celebs on Time magazine cover
Deepika Padukone joins the long list of Indian names, including industry colleagues Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aamir Khan, and Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who graced the cover of the TIME magazine.
Deepika Padukone Upcoming Movies
Deepika Padukone will be seen sharing the screen space with Hrithik Roshan for the first time in the Bollywood movie Fighter. The film also stars Anil Kapoor and is being directed by Siddharth Anand. She also has Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan starrer Project K in the pipeline.
Deepika will also be making her presence felt on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival 2023.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone opens up on political backlash over Besharam Rang & JNU incident: ‘The truth is…’
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