Television actor Ram Kapoor who is celebrating his birthday on Wednesday took a stroll down memory lane as he shared some throwback pictures with his Bade Achhe Lagte Hain co-star Sakshi Tanwar. The popular television actor who never fail to impress his fans through his stellar performance share a great bond with Sakshi. Their chemistry as Ram Kapoor and Priya in the show had won the hearts of the audience. The show aired in 2011 and had a successful run of more than 600 episodes till July 2014.
Taking to Instagram, Ram shared a series of pictures from the sets of a festive special episode on the show Tyohaar Ki Thaali featuring Sakshi. “Tanwarrrrr….. missing you yaaaaaar !!!!!, ” he wrote in the caption.
Take a look;
In the pictures, both Ram and Sakshi can be seen sharing a meal on the dining table and posing in the kitchen.
Meanwhile talking about his birthday Ram said that they are no big deal at all. “At my age, we don’t do anything really for my birthday. My dad believed and so do I that one should celebrate life and not just certain dates or occasions,” he said in an interview with Hindustan Times.
Interestingly, the second season of Ram and Sakshi’s show Bade Achhe Lagte Hain starring Disha Parmar and Nakuul Mehta in lead roles started airing from Monday. While the first season of the show featured a middle-aged love story, the new season centers around the theme of urban loneliness amongst adults in their 30s.
Producer Ekta Kapoor had earlier said, “Even if we can’t create magic, we will try to do it. I don’t believe in overpromising and underdelivering. I would rather under-promise and overdeliver. All I can say is that there is no fun without risk and we hope people give Bade Acche Lagte Hain the same love again.”
Also read: Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2: Nakuul Mehta, Disha Parmar’s new promo shows couple’s different opinion post marriage
On the work front, Ram Kapoor has an interesting lineup of films and web series. He packed up the shoot of Vipul Shah’s web show Human. He is currently shooting for Vikramaditya Motwane’s Stardust, a film written by Farhan Akhtar, Masaba Masaba season 2 and another web show about a father and son story.
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