Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan treated her fans to a stunning new picture from her ongoing vacation in the Maldives. The ‘Good Newwz’ actor along with husband and actor Saif Ali Khan and kids Taimur and Jeh, is vacationing in the Maldives to celebrate Saif’s 51st birthday. On Tuesday, Kareena took to her Instagram handle and shared a picture sporting a black bikini.
Bebo’s beach fun is noticeable from her flushed-red skin. Kareena posted this picture on her Insta Story with a sticker saying ‘beach bum’. See her pic here:
The actor had also shared beautiful pictures of the family having a gala time in the Maldives from Saif’s birthday on Monday. Alongside, she wrote, “Happy Birthday to the love of my life… To eternity and beyond with you is all I want.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kareena recently launched her book ‘Pregnancy Bible’, which captures her physical and emotional experiences from both her pregnancies.
The ‘Jab We Met’ star is also set to make her debut as a producer with director Hansal Mehta’s yet-to-be-titled thriller. She will also act in the film. Excited about her new venture, she said, “Very honoured and excited to work as a producer on this film with Ekta whom my family has known for years and of course to be directed by Hansal for the first time.
I am a huge fan of Hansal’s films and to be working with him for the first time will be special. There are a lot of firsts on this film and I cannot wait to begin this journey.” Kareena will co-produce the project with Ekta Kapoor.
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