Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan’s former wife and designer Sussanne Khan celebrated her birthday today (October 26). While several celebrities took to social media and poured in wishes for her, one wish that caught everybody’s attention was by TV star Aly Goni’s brother Arslan Goni. The actor posted a “great picture” of himself and Sussanne on Instagram and penned a special note for her.“Happy happy birthday darling …… I pray you have a great year and an amazing life …. The best heart I have come across in my life and this is a great picture. May god shower you with everything you want. Lots and lots of love,” he wrote in the caption.
Take a look;
Sussanne Khan and Arslan Goni are rumoured to have been dating for a while now. Sussanne responded to the post in the comments section and thanked Arslan Goni for ‘everything’. “Thank you thank you thank uuuu.. n thank u for my ‘Everything.”
Earlier, Sussanne posted a video of herself acing box jump workout. Replying to the post he called her “space girl” in the comments section, to which she had replied: “Absolutely.”
Also read: Hrithik Roshan’s dance moves take internet by storm, Deepika Padukone’s reply takes the cake
Even when Arslan Goni had shared the first teaser of his then-upcoming show, Mai Hero Bol Raha Hu, Sussanne took to the comments section and cheered for him. She had dropped an adorable comment, which said, ”Looks Superrr cool!!! Waiting to see.”
Other celebrities who wished Sussanne Khan were Shilpa Shetty, Raveena Tandon, Sophie Choudry and Malaika Arora.
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