Bollywood actress Anushka on Wednesday treated her fans with an adorable picture of her daughter Vamika as she wished everyone a happy Durga Ashtami. Sharing an adorable picture with ‘little Vamika’ the actress penned a heartfelt note. “Making me braver and more courageous every day . May you always find the strength of the goddess in you my little Vamika. Happy Ashtami,” she wrote alongside the cute picture.
Anushka and Vamika are a sight to behold in this picture. In no time her post was bombarded with comments from her fans and friends. Actress Mouni Roy dropped heart and a trident emoji. Actress Vaani Kapoor also left a heart emoticon on the picture.
Earlier, Anushka shared a glimpse of Vamika’s 6 months birthday celebration. Taking to Instagram stories, the actress posted a bunch of pictures from the picnic and wrote, “Her one smile can change our whole world around ! I hope we can both live up to the love with which you look at us, little one Happy 6 months to us three.”
Virat and Anushka tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Italy in 2017. They welcomed their first child, daughter Vamika, in January this year.
On the professional front, Anushka has two films in the pipeline. She will be seen in Navdeep Singh’s “Kaneda”, and a biopic of cricketer Jhulan Goswami. The actress was last seen in the film “Zero” in 2018. She produced the web series “Paatal Lok” and the film “Bulbbul” for OTT last year.
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