Salman Khan on Saturday took to social media to share a shocking video. He posted a video from inside a cinema hall where fans are seen bursting firecrackers during the screening of his film Antim: The Final Truth. Sharing the video on his verified social media account, the actor urged all to enjoy the film in full capacity but not burst crackers inside the theaters as it could be dangerous. He also asked the publishers to not allow the same.
“Request all my fans not to take fire crackers inside the auditorium as it could prove to be a huge fire hazard thereby endangering your lives and also others. My request to theatre owners not to allow fire crackers to be taken inside the cinema and security should stop them from doing so at entry point. Enjoy the film by all means but please please avoid this is my request to all my fans .. thank u,” he wrote along with the video.
Antim: The Final Truth’ marks the return of Salman Khan on the silver screen after a long wait of two years. The megastar earlier was seen in ‘Radhe’ which had a hybrid release divided over OTT and a theatrical release outside of India. Salman plays a Sikh cop in the film. His character in the film is named ‘Rajveer’. He looks dashing in the cop uniforms.
Aayush, on the other hand, imbibed the traits of Rahuliya, a dreaded yet relatable gangster. From his ripped, toned body to acing the nuances of his character, Aayush is being lauded for his performance in the film.
‘Antim: The Final Truth’ starring Salman Khan, Aayush Sharma and Mahima Makwana is directed by Mahesh Manjrekar, produced by Salma Khan, and presented by Salman Khan Films. The film released in theatres worldwide by Zee Studios on November 26.
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