Ankita Lokhande will be gracing the sets of the reality show DID Super Moms. She will be accompanied by her Pavira Rishta actress Usha Nadkarni. The episode will be celebrating the spirit of relationships and one of the acts will also be dedicated to late actor Sushant Singh Rajput who starred a Manav in the show Pavitra Rishta. For the unversed, Ankita was in a relationship with the actor before they called it quits in 2016. During the performance, Ankita could not hold becak her tears and broke down. On Thursday, the makers dropped a new promo of the episode in which contestant Sadhana Mishra and her choreographer performed on the track Kitni Baatein from the film Lakshya. During their performance, a few visuals of the late actor were also played in the background. Seeing that both Ankita and Usha became emotional.
Watch the video below:
In the video, emotional Ankita said, “Woh bohot close ek dost tha…sab kuch tha. Aur woh jaha bhi hai bohot khush hai I am sure. God bless him.”
In the comments section, several fans also expressed how much they miss Sushant. One of them wrote, “We miss you so much sushant singh.” Another wrote, “I miss u ssr.” “This made me cry,” said another fan.
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Ankita Lokhande and Sushant Singh Rajput were one of the most loved couples in Tele town. Their breakup came as a shock to their fans. They first met on the sets of their show Pavitra Rishta in 2009. Later they dated for six years. The couple broke up in 2016. Ankita announced her relationship with Vicky Jain in 2019. They tied the knot in a grand wedding last year.
In 2020 June, Sushant was found dead in his apartment in Mumbai. He was 34.
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