Megastar Amitabh Bachchan recently took a stroll down memory lane and shared an adorable picture with his son Abhishek Bachchan and daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda. In the monochrome image, Big B is seen holding little Abhishek in his arms while Shweta is seen sitting on a scooter. The ‘Piku’ star juxtaposed the picture with their recent click. The other photograph features Amitabh, Abhishek and Shweta smiling. “Ek din aise the .. phir aise ho gaye. (One day they looked like this… Now, they are like this),” Big B captioned the post. The collage also includes the words, “Every day is Father’s Day”.
Big B’s gesture has garnered a love-filled comment from daughter Shweta “Love love love and more love Pa. Wish we could go back to being babies,” she commented. Several fans also reacted to the post. “Time flies when you have fun in life..Love to all of you,” an Instagram user wrote. “Adorable. May you all stay blessed,” another one commented.
Have a look:
Big B is undoubtedly one of the most active celebrities in the Bollywood industry. He also stunned actors Varun Dhawan and Maniesh Paul as he joined the viral ‘Nach Punjaabban’ trend on social media. Amitabh shared a picture on Instagram, where he is seen dressed in a Purple track suit and a black sweatband. He is seen doing the hook step from the song which is featured in the forthcoming film ‘JugJugg Jeeyo’.
“Nach panjaban nach panjabnan nach panjaban nach,” the thespian captioned the image. Actor Varun Dhawan took to the comment section as he could not control his excitement and wrote: “Sir (with several heart emojis).” Maniesh Paul wrote: “Yesssss we love you sir.”
Earlier on Monday, Big B shared a throwback video performing on stage in 1983. He wrote: “Initiated and pioneered the idea of stage shows from 1983 .. Been a while .. of personal performing stage shows from 1983 and on.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Amitabh will be seen in Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra, which also stars Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and Nagarjuna. The film will release on September 9. He is also a part of Vikas Bahl’s ‘Goodbye’, in which he will play the role of Bhaskar Prajapati. Apart from Amitabh, the film also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Neena Gupta. He is also reuniting with Deepika Padukone for ‘The Intern’ remake and ‘Project K’.
-with agency inputs
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