Amitabh Bachchan recently took to his blog to share his recent celebrations of Diwali at his residence in Jalsa. Amitabh had a full-house Diwali celebration at his place as his whole family was present there – Jaya Bachchan, Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Shweta Nanda and his grandchildren – Agastya and Navya Naveli and Aaradhya Bachchan. And while it makes for a happy perfect family click, Big B pointed out how his Diwali was silent and everyone was glued to their phone.
Talking about this reality of festivals, Amitabh Bachchan penned down his thoughts saying, ““The gaiety , the fun and frolic of the past .. the celebration of this festive day .. friends and well wishers at Jalsa and the night of light and brightness .. in the diyas of hope and prosperity .. it has been deafeningly silent for a Diwali night .. no or hardly any sound of firecrackers .. perhaps a GOI ruling against it , but even so an eerie silence about .. and a room full of family and each in his or her own world of the mobile.”
He further added saying “What has the rapid communication done to us .. destroyed memory , remembering .. an answer to all on the net and a depletion of the mind and the brain to face upto the challenges, for public consumption and beyond.” Every year Amitabh Bachchan hosts a Diwali bash for the film industry. However post the pandemic, the actor has not hosted any Diwali bash. This year he had a quiet celebration at home with his family and even shared pictures of it on Instagram. The actor will soon be seen in Brahmastra and Jhund.
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