Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has bid an emotional goodbye to actor-director Satish Kaushik who passed away on Thursday after suffering a cardiac arrest. Big B took to his blog and paid a tribute to the late actor, where he mentioned, “And we have lost another .. A delightful company, a most accomplished artist and in the prime of his career .. Satish Kaushik .. Working with you was so inspiring .. and such a learning .. My prayers.” For the unversed, Amitabh and Satish Kaushik worked together in ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.”
On Thursday, Amitabh Bachchan’s son and actor Abhishek Bachchan visited Satish’s house to pay his last respect. In a viral video, he was seen hugging Anupam Kher tightly. Anupam broke the news of his dear friend’s demise on social media.
Satish Kaushik’s demise
Satish Kaushik’s sudden demise sent shock waves to the entire film industry. The actor and filmmaker was in Delhi when he suffered a heart attack while travelling in a car. His body was brought to Mumbai on Thursday. Now, a crime team of Delhi’s South-West district police visited Satish Kaushik’s farmhouse, where he was staying. The police are probing the death case of the late actor and are waiting for a detailed post-mortem report.
Kaushik was at a farmhouse in Delhi’s Bijwasan when he started feeling unwell and was rushed to a hospital in Gurugram. Preliminary examination suggests that he died of a heart attack and breathed his last before he reached the hospital. The late actor’s last riles were held at Versova crematorium. Anupam Kher, Javed Akhtar Sham Kaushal, Salman Khan, Abhishek Bachchan and Ranbir Kapoor were among the Bollywood celebs visiting Kaushik’s Mumbai residence to pay their last respects to the departed actor.
Amitabh Bachchan’s health
Recently, the veteran actor shared that he broke his rib cartilage during the shoot and is currently taking rest at his home in Mumbai.
“In Hyderabad at shoot for Project K, during an action shot, got injured, rib cartilage popped broke and muscle tear to the right rib cage. Cancelled shoot, did doctor consult & scan by CT at AIG Hospital in Hyderabad and flown back home,” posted Amitabh Bachchan. He suffered injury during an action sequence of the film. He unfortunately suffered a muscle tear to his right rib cage. “Strapping has been done and rest been advocated .. yes painful .. on movement and breathing .. will take some weeks they say before some normalisation will occur .. some medication is on also for pain .. So all work that was to be done has been suspended and canceled dropped postponed for the moment until healing occurs ..I rest at Jalsa and am mobile a bit for all the essential activities .. but yes in rest and generally lying around …” Amitabh wrote.
ALSO READ: Foul play in Satish Kaushik’s death? Delhi Police recovers ‘medicines’ from farmhouse where he stayed
ALSO READ: Anupam Kher bids emotional goodbye to Satish Kaushik in heartfelt video letter: ‘Have to move on…’
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