The music video for the recently released song ‘Badmashi’ has crossed 8 million views. The song features Balkar Ankhila and Manjinder Gulshan with Nitin Gupta’s music. Babbu Brar has penned down the lyrics. The lead cast is Vadda Grewal and Riya Gupta and they directed by StalinVeer. This out-of-sight music video released on the official YouTube channel of Celebrino Records has more than 94K likes. The video depicts a love story with a twist, produced by Amandeep Singh Batra and Shubham Jain.
Badmashi is being liked not only because it showcases the boldness of a girl and the support of his lover, but also because of good music, direction and production.
Watch the video here-
After doing several projects with the Celebrino Records channel and other platforms, producer Amandeep Singh Batra is super excited about the success of this song. He says, “We have worked hard and passionately for the success of this song and we are seeing the fruitful results of our work and are happy to be part of ‘Badmashi.’ song.”
Amandeep gives all the credit for the 8 million views for the song ‘Badmashi’ to his team and viewers who have showered their love and made it a huge success with their immense love.
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